Premium Block-X™ Cover Up Block Out Labels

NovaVision’s premium Block-X™ cover up block out labels are an excellent tool for covering up sensitive information. Once these labels are applied and removed, they leave behind a robust residue which prevents others from seeing the underlying sensitive information.

This solution is excellent for applications involving sensitive security information, including shipping labels and other personally identifiable information (PII).

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Custom Block-X label features

Block-X™ Labels: Enhancing Security and Sustainability

NovaVision’s Block-X™ labels are an innovative solution designed to protect sensitive information, support environmental sustainability, and reduce packaging costs. These labels are available in both stock and custom versions.

Key Features

  • Security: The labels are constructed with a unique adhesive that leaves a residue when removed. This ensures that if the label is removed, the underlying sensitive information remains obscured and protected, effectively protecting customer data.
  • Durability: Designed to withstand scratching and intentional removal, these labels are suitable for a variety of surfaces

Securely cover previous shipping labels and customer details, allowing for the reuse of boxes and packaging materials.

Environmental Sustainability

Block-X™ Labels are designed to support the growing trend among major e-commerce platforms to reduce waste by shipping products in their original packaging. By eliminating the need for an external box, these companies significantly cut down on packaging materials. However, when these products are returned, sensitive customer information on the original packaging must be securely concealed before the package can be reused.

Block-X™ Labels offer an effective solution by covering existing labels containing customer PII, allowing the original packaging to be reused safely. This prevents the need for additional packaging and reduces waste. Even if the label is removed, the adhesive left behind still hides the sensitive information underneath. As a result, Block-X™ Labels not only support environmental sustainability but also enhance security, helping companies reuse packaging while keeping customer data safe.

Applications of Block-X™ Labels

Block-X™ Labels offer a versatile solution for safeguarding consumer Personally Identifiable Information (PII) across a range of applications. Designed with advanced tamper-evident technology, these labels are perfect for protecting sensitive information in various contexts where privacy and security are paramount.

  • Block-X label removal from corrugated packaging

    Shipping Labels

    Concealing customer PII on shipping labels to ensure privacy when packages are returned or repurposed.
  • Prescription bottles

    Prescription Bottles

    Protecting patient privacy by covering personal information on prescription bottles before disposal or reuse.
  • Industrial equipment

    Rented or Reusuable Equipment

    Securing sensitive information on labels of rented or reusable equipment, ensuring that any previous user’s details are hidden.
  • Worker disposing of medical waste

    Medical Waste Disposal

    Masking personal information on medical waste labels to protect patient privacy during the disposal process.
  • Label concealing sensitive information on confidential document

    Confidential Records

    Covering sensitive information on confidential records that need to be kept secure but cannot be discarded or destroyed.


Our Block-X™ labels can be customized with your text, graphics, or consecutive serial numbers. Custom sizes and shapes are also available to fit your specific needs.

Customization Options Quantity: 40,000 Quantity: 80,000
Custom Plate(s) — One Time Fee $100/plate $100/plate
Custom Gray Label with One Color Imprint $0.402/label $0.371/label
Serialized +$0.06/label +$0.06/label
Custom Background Color +$0.02/label +$0.02/label
Each Additional Imprint Color +$0.02/label +$0.02/label
Custom Hidden Residue Pattern +$0.02/label +$0.02/label

Higher volume discounts are available.
Please call for more details.

Testing and Samples:

We recommend testing the labels for your specific application before placing a full order. NovaVision provides free samples for testing to ensure compatibility and effectiveness.

For more information or to request samples, please contact us.

Affixing the blockout label to a package

The premium Block-X™ label is applied over a standard label to cover targeted information.

Blockout label after attempted removal

If removed, the label releases tamper-evident adhesive residue, protecting the information underneath.

Blockout label prevents underlying information from being read once removed

Tamper-evident adhesives prove to be a robust solution for information protection.

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For Questions and Ordering Information, Please Contact:
Brian Cramer Brian Cramer
Sales & Customer Service
(800) 336-6636 ext 4211
Bill Kudzia Bill Kudzia
Sales & Customer Service
(800) 336-6636 ext 4232
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